Experiences in Automated Workflows using Dialectical Argumentation

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Visara Urovi, Stefano Bromuri, Jarred McGinnis, Kostas Stathis, Andrea Omicini
Antonio Palma Dos Reis, Katherine Blaski, Yingcai Xiao (a cura di)
IADIS International Conference "Intelligent Systems and Agents" (ISA 2007), pp. 3–8
Computer Science and Information Systems
IADIS Press, MCCSIS 2007, Lisbon, Portugal
luglio 2007

This paper presents a multi-agent framework based on argumentative agent technology for the automation of the workflow selection and execution. In this framework, workflow selection is coordinated by agent interactions governed by the rules of a dialogue game whose purpose is to evaluate the workflow's properties via argumentation. Once a workflow is selected using this process, the workflow is executed by dynamically configuring workflow engines to coordinate the participating agents' workflow activities.

parole chiaveWorkflow management, Agent Dialogues, Argumentation, TuCSoN, PROSOCS