BiSS 2013

Bertinoro international Spring School
Bertinoro, Forlì-Cesena, Italy, 03/03/2013–09/03/2013

The consortium of Italian Computer Science PhD granting institutions under the auspices of GRIN, organizes an annual school offering three graduate-level courses aimed at first-year PhD students in Computer Science. In addition to introducing students to timely research topics, the school is meant to promote acquaintance and collaboration among young European researchers.

temi di interesse
  • Foundations of Security: Cryptography, Protocols, Trust - Joshua Guttman, Worcester Polytechnic University (USA)
  • Stochastic Process Algebras for Quantitative Analysis - Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh (UK)
  • Shape and Visual Apperance Acquisition for Photo-realistic Visualization - Fabio Ganovelli and Massimiliano Corsini, CNR (Italy)